Monday, 29 November 2010

The Greatest

Here is my effort. It's supposed to be a hand...?

I was Stumbling around the internet recently when I fell upon this website called, and it's one of the most unique, original ideas I've come across for... well, ages. Basically it's a sort of living, changing, international cyber-memorial for Johnny Cash. The idea centers on a music video for Cash's song Ain't No Grave, a great song in it's own right, and one I'd never heard, but will definitely go and buy. Each visitor is presented with a choice of three frames from the video, from which they may choose one to trace over using an array of what are basically beautified drawing tools. When finished, your unique frame is then slotted into the video itself, and is in turn replaced by someone else's, and someone else's after that. Some of the drawings are quite crude, some completely abstract, and a couple mind-blowingly good. The end result is an absorbing, eclectic, and strangely moving tribute to one of the coolest dudes to have walked the planet.
I've put a couple of my favourites up here, but to get a better idea of what it's all about, I strongly recommend having a look.